TBC Classic is that small-sized because this expansion has a considerably smaller world and much less content than Shadowlands. The download size of TBC Classic is significantly smaller, around 3.53 GB. What Is The File Size Of The World Of Warcraft TBC Classic?

You’ll also need to consider around 300 MB of additional size for the desktop app. The download size for the World Of Warcraft Shadowlands is around 76.7 GB. What Is The File Size Of The World Of Warcraft Shadowlands? World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic subscription is included in the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands subscription, so you won’t have to pay twice. You’ll need to pay a monthly subscription to play these games, but World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands features a free trial that you can play until level 20. This applies to any WoW expansion ever released and, most likely, to any future expansion as well. You can play World of Warcraft exclusively on a PC (Microsoft Windows and macOS). So stick with us, and you'll find out the download size of World Of Warcraft (all expansions) in no time. Fortunately, we were successful, so now we can reveal the up-to-date information to anyone interested. Frankly, it's not easy to find this information, and we had to dig deep to find the answers that we could share with our readers (we only play TBC Classic). Unless you misclicked and ended up on this article by accident, you are presumingly here because you're interested in finding out the download size for World Of Warcraft, whether it's Shadowlands or The Burning Crusade Classic.